To check if desired booking dates are available, contact us by email, indicating the chosen date of staying and number of visitors. We’ll give you feedback within 24 hours.
After receiving confirmation on the availability of desired date and total amount, you must confirm your staying within 48 hours, sending the information of flight to Lisbon – date, schedules and terminal – as well as personal info of visitors – full name, date of birth and ID, for insurance activation.
Payment Methods
By bank transfer:
- 25% of total value at the moment of booking, up to 48 hours after confirmation from us on availability of chosen dates.
- 75% of total value up to 72 hours before the beginning of your staying.
Booking cancellation:
On booking cancellation by the client, the following rules are to be applied:
- If cancellation is made after the first transfer (25% of total value), the client is compensated with half of that value.
- If cancellation is made after the second transfer (75% of total value), the total of that value is compensated, although the value of the first transfer (25%) will be retained.
- After the beginning of the staying, the compensation procedure will depend on the reasons of the cancellation, depending on the company’s evaluation on the situation.